Tuesday, November 25, 2008


i need a freelance job...asap. i really miss writing and this blog isnt doing it for me. i need more structure to my writing and more of a focus. this is just me rambling constantly.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Speaking at my college

So next Monday, I'm speaking in front of a class of PR students at my alma mater. I have no idea what to say....

Monday, November 3, 2008

I heart halloween

I wish Halloween was like, twice a year. one day of Halloween isn't enough.

My sisters and me went to a Halloween party with our friends at O'Donoghues on First in Hoboken and it was a great time. We left earlier than everyone else because my sister Maggie was wasted. We went to the diner to eat afterwards and while waiting on the cab line she puked all over the street.
This is her searching for her room after vomiting in the toilet:

Good times.